Research theme 2024-2025 // Pioneering in Legal Science 

Jurimetrica Academy

We offer prerequisite courses in the field of law, mathematics, computer science and economics with an intuitive and practical approach with the aim of preparing you for the more advanced courses we offer in the field of jurimetrics and LegalTech.

We offer courses in Jurimetrics and LegalTech. Jurimetrics is a field that involves the application of quantitative methods and empirical research to legal issues. LegalTech refers to the use of technology and software to improve and streamline legal services and processes.  

We offer learning paths that are designed to help students achieve specific learning objectives or develop particular skills. The currently available learning paths are Jurimetrics research, LegalTech start-up, Legal process management and Legal risk management.

At Jurimetrica Academy, we are dedicated to exploring and advancing the field of jurimetrics. Our mission is to promote knowledge, critical thinking, and scholarly discourse on the application of mathematical methods in legal science.

Jurimetrics involves applying quantitative methods, statistics, and information science to examine legal systems, processes, and phenomena. By integrating these disciplines, we aim to provide a deeper understanding of legal science and develop innovative solutions for legal challenges.

Our courses and learning paths are open to everyone interested in joining the jurimetrics science community and contributing to the field's growth. Designed to complement traditional legal education, our programs focus on subjects that often receive less attention in standard curricula. We offer free tuition for instruction in mathematics, AI, IT, and legal science. Our aim is to equip you with the relevant knowledge and skills needed for future research or the development of practical solutions in jurimetrics. The only prerequisites are a genuine interest in the field and a willingness to engage and contribute to discussions.

Join us at Jurimetrica Academy and become part of a community dedicated to pushing the boundaries of legal science through the power of mathematics and technology. Whether you are looking to advance your career, pursue your passion, or contribute to explorative research, we provide the tools and knowledge you need to succeed.

For more information, feel free to explore our website or contact us directly. We look forward to welcoming you to our academy!